Often, when we hear the word ‘goals’, our minds automatically travel up the pitch to football, but what if we told you there were other goals that were, *ahem*, more important?

Brace yourselves, because we have compiled a list of eight goals that will help you on your way to greatness this semester… An own goal if you will, to you sports fans out there!

Goal 1: Attend all of your lectures!

If you think about it, you don’t actually spend that much time in class. You’ve got more time off campus than you do on, so make sure to attend as many lectures as you can. Catching up on notes from friends or lecture slides isn’t the same as actually being there yourself.

Goal 2: Take advantage of all opportunities

Universities often hold study skills sessions, workshops on finding jobs during and after university and other lectures and seminars which may not immediately enrich you academically, but they could be helpful in the long run!

Goal 3: Read more!

We recommend self-directed study. This means doing more than what’s covered in your lectures. It’s about reading books that may not be on your reading list to give you an alternative point of view, allowing for arguments to be seen from both sides to really get you thinking and, ultimately, help you achieve those higher grades.

Did you know that Kortext has over 10,000 Open Access titles and Open Educational Resources that you can access for free? This makes learning limitless!

Goal 4: Bump up your pass percentage

You may have scraped by with 50% last semester, but aim to get 60, 70, 80% or beyond! Set yourself a goal of achieving a higher score and write a plan of action detailing how you’re going to achieve it. To find out what’s needed to move into the next grade boundary, look at the marking requirements for your assessments. They should be readily available from your lecturer.

Goal 5: Create a study group

Collaboration isn’t just important at university, it’s a key skill you’ll need in the workplace so now’s the time to perfect your cooperative skills! Everyone thinks and learns differently and has different ideas to bring to group discussions. Not only will you learn from others, you’ll learn how to think critically and share your ideas more freely.

Using Kortext, you can create study groups and share notes with everyone in your study group. You can even email them directly from the Kortext reader or, if using a mobile device, you can send via text and WhatsApp, taking your study group with you wherever you go.

Goal 6: Beat the deadline!

Set a personal deadline to get all assignments completed a week before they’re due. That way, you can have more time to do the things you want to do without feeling stressed or guilty about it. Allowing extra time also means you’ll have time to focus on referencing, rather than leaving it until the last minute. With Kortext, you can export references directly from the text you are studying to your desktop via Refworks and Endnote.

Once you’ve written and referenced your assignment early, you’ll feel a real sense of achievement and probably relief!

Goal 7: Challenge yourself by doing an additional course

There are lots of free resources where you can develop your knowledge and skillset, and earn certificates to boost your CV.  With a few extra-curricular certificates under your belt, you’ll have the perfect arsenal to make yourself attractive to recruiters.

Goal 8: Make more notes!

Everyone underestimates the value of the humble note. Taking notes helps to embed knowledge and reiterate points made in both lecturers and in your course texts. Once you begin writing these notes, you may find that larger ideas will begin to form and it is these notes that will help you with your lectures, essays and exams.

With Kortext, you can copy and paste notes and excerpts from the eTextbook you are reading, straight into any word processing programme, making it easier than ever to complete assignments.

Once you’ve settled on what goal or goals you’d like to achieve, write them down and define exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.

Breaking it down into steps will help your goals seem more achievable and enable you to tick off every important milestone on your way to success!

Happy studying!