The student life can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially during that period when exams are fast approaching, and that sudden frenzy of panic surges through your body.

Even if you have been engaging with your course content and attending lectures, you just can’t help but give in to the ‘that’s it – I’m going to fail my exams’ thoughts and self-doubt. What if we stop, breathe, and understand this pre-exam anxiety is natural as a student? We just need to look it in the eye and say ‘no, I will succeed!’.

In this blog I will be letting you in on a few of my secret study tips that will help you ace your tests.

Study tip 1: Understanding your pre-exam anxiety.

The first thing I’d like to highlight is the very normal tingling feeling of anxiety that overcomes students ahead of exam season. One technique that really helped me excel in my exams was to change my mindset.

I reminded myself that I am a hardworking individual, a determined pupil with the willingness to excel in everything I do. Consequently, I acknowledged that my anxiety was just excitement and eagerness to show my lecturers how much hard work I have put in this year.

This tip is revolutionary: before you start your revision, establish your mindset and remind yourself that success is very much tangible and achievable.

Study tip 2: Your body loves routine – so give it one!

The best approach to take when revising is a structured one. Structure is key. But how? – you may ask. I strongly recommend adopting the revision timetable technique.

Firstly, list every module you will be examined on and colour code them using highlighters. Next, draw up a weekly revision timetable and, based on your availability to revise, allocate certain hours of each day to revision for that module – remember to leave some days for rest or extracurricular activities!

And don’t forget to highlight the study slots with the corresponding colours of each module because a vibrant, striking timetable makes revision feel a whole lot more exciting!

You will find structuring your days and weeks in this manner will prevent you from experiencing burnout and mental exhaustion.

Study tip 3: Rejuvenation

Once you’ve got into the swing of revision, you may start to feel you have a busy, bustling routine. Sometimes this is fantastic – the busier you are, the more productive a person feels. However, every student is unique.

One technique that allowed me to continue pushing through was having ten minutes of silence alone in my bedroom. As peculiar as it may sound, this is a tool I recommend to all.

All human beings crave socialisation, but we often forget to also take a break and spend time with ourselves and our thoughts. Most students find, especially since we are always absorbing new knowledge, our mind is always racing with thoughts.

Ten minutes of silence in solitude will allow you to tame those hurtling, buzzing voices in your head. After all, science does suggest this technique can indeed promote brain growth and relieve tension!

Personally, I wouldn’t mind bringing a larger brain to the exam hall…

Study tip 4: Log your achievements

Lastly, I would like to touch on one method which not only helped me succeed in my exams but also boosted my confidence and enthusiasm to get those amazing grades.

I believe every day as a student you must sit down with a cup of tea (or any comforting drink of your choice) and make a list of all the things you have achieved in the day.

Whether you completed revision notes for a specific lecture or attended a society event at university, you should make sure you record all these achievements. Why? Well, it is healthy to constantly remind ourselves how far we have come and how we are always showing improvement.

I hope you found these tips useful and implement them into your academic life to change it for the better!

This blog has been written by Fozia, Kortext Student Ambassador at Aston University and reviewed by our team.

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