Welcome to the exciting world of university life!  

We know the first day can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions, but fear not! We’ve got your back with some tremendous tips to help you make your way through your first week of lectures and seminars.  

Early bird catches the… knowledge!

Set your alarm clock a tad early, and give yourself time for a leisurely breakfast. You don’t want to be the person sprinting to university with toast in your mouth. Trust us, it rarely ends well. If you’re not a breakfast person, that’s fine, but still give yourself enough time to get ready and get there on time. 

In some instances, some lecturers may not even let you in if you’re late… and that’s a first impression you do not want to make. 

Get lost (on purpose)

Take a stroll around campus before your first day of class. Find your lecture halls, locate the best (and quietest) coffee spots, and make mental notes of the nearest loos. Trust us, this mission will pay off in any time of need!

Dress for success (and comfort)

Remember, you’re here to learn, not walk the runway (unless you’re a fashion design and merchandising student…)
Anyhow, comfortable shoes are your best friends! Sometimes, your lecture halls will be far apart, or even on different campuses so making sure your shoes are up to the trek is important.

Also, layers! Sometimes, your classrooms/lecture halls can be hotter than an Australian summer, and sometimes they can be arctic – so make sure you can either add or remove layers. In addition, the weather can be as indecisive as a bus timetable, so again, layers come in very handy.

Pen, paper… and wi-fi

Carry the essentials, but also make sure your gadgets are charged up. Universities are like black holes for phone batteries. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…  

Don’t be a wallflower 

Introduce yourself to your classmates, make small talk about the weather, your current existential crisis or ask them where the best place on campus is to get a coffee… just get talking, get friendly and make friends. In life, who you know plays a really important role, so getting to know some of your classmates on the first day of class will be really beneficial both now, and in the future. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Whether it’s directions, coursework, or where to find the library, don’t hesitate to ask. Everyone starts somewhere, and nobody will think you’re daft for seeking help. 

Your lecturers are there to help

Lecturers and professors are not just there to impart wisdom, but also to guide you through this academic adventure. If you have questions, fire away. They’re usually as keen as you are to make your learning journey a success!  

Emergency snack stash

Trust us, you’ll thank us for this one. A hidden chocolate bar or a bag of crisps can be a lifesaver during marathon study sessions… or those days that you do skip breakfast before university. 

Celebrate small wins

Managed to find your way to class without getting lost? Celebrate it! Successfully brewed coffee without setting off the fire alarm? That’s a win too! Embrace the small victories. 

Log into your Kortext bookshelf

If your university library has provided you with access to Kortext, you can access your learning materials there in addition to a whole host of smart study tools that can help you get ahead with your reading and feel like an absolute boss in your next lot of lectures. 

Remember, everyone’s in the same boat, trying to figure it all out.

So, take a deep breath, keep a smile on your face, and go conquer that first day! You’ve got this, superstar! 🌟

Have you tried out Kortext yet? Log in today to get studying!