We get it – university can seem overwhelming when you’re trying to achieve good grades, work a part-time job and maintain a great social life.

It’s very normal to get distracted and drawn away from your studies, especially when there’s so much happening on campus and you want to make the most of it!

In this digital age, our smartphones and the overwhelming number of notifications aren’t helpful either. With the convenience of digital learning platforms comes the challenge of overcoming issues that hinder your productivity.

Let’s explore some effective strategies that will help you combat distractions while using Kortext!

  1. Set dedicated reading times

You can manage your time more efficiently with a proper schedule and by setting dedicated reading times. Treat your study session as you would your weekly scheduled lecture or a work shift. Allocate some periods during your day or week when you’re free from other commitments and can fully immerse yourself in your homework or reading. Try using a paper planner or a digital calendar that will help you keep track of your classes and assignments.

When creating a study schedule, try to align it with your peak productivity hours. Figure out when you’re the most productive, be it early morning or late night, and create a consistent routine that will train your brain to reach its full focus potential during those dedicated study times.

2. Utilise full screen mode

Kortext offers a full screen mode which aims to reduce distractions! By activating this feature, you maximise your reading space and minimise the chances of getting sidetracked by other applications or browser tabs. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open your Kortext eBook
  • Look for the full screen icon (represented by four arrows pointing outward)
  • Click or tap on the icon to enter full screen mode

Once in full screen mode, you’ll be able to concentrate solely on your reading material without the temptation of switching to other apps or websites!

3. Turn off your notifications

Notifications and messages – students’ biggest enemies – can be major sources of distraction from studying. Try following these steps to minimise your notifications:

  • Put your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode during your study session
  • Disable non–essential notifications on your digital devices
  • Block or hide time-wasting websites and apps
  • Use productivity apps such as Forest or Flora


Reducing the influx of notifications will help you create a distraction-free environment and stay on track with your study plan.

4. Clear your desk and organise your digital workspace

If your desk is covered with paper wraps or unwashed dishes and if your monitor is framed with sticky notes, it’s time to clean up! A messy room will distract you from getting your work done and induce unnecessary anxiety. Make some room for motivation and only keep the essentials on your desk!


Just like having a clean room, an organised digital workspace does wonders for your concentration. It will help you locate your study materials quickly, reducing the time spent navigating distractions. Take some time to declutter your device and organise your Kortext library:

  • Organise your eBooks into folders or categories based on subjects or courses
  • Delete or archive eBooks you no longer need
  • Rename eBooks with clear and concise titles for easy identification
  • Use bookmarks and annotations to highlight key points and create an interactive learning experience
  • Use the note-taking tool to keep all your reading notes in one place.

5. Find a way to make studying enjoyable for you

As cheesy as it may sound, when you find joy in your learning process, it becomes proactive and fulfilling rather than a chore. That way, you’re more likely to stay motivated for longer, making it easier to maintain focus and avoid distractions.

  • Break it down: divide your study material into smaller, manageable chunks. Define specific, achievable goals for your study sessions. Completing these mini-goals can be rewarding, boost your motivation and provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
  • Variety of resources: explore different learning resources, such as videos, interactive websites or writing activities. Mixing up your study methods can make learning more enjoyable.
  • Find a study method that works for you: maybe you like study groups and discussing topics with others? Or maybe you prefer a quiet corner of the library? Find what works for you!
  • Celebrate progress: celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Finished that essay paragraph that you’ve been struggling with for hours? Get that Starbucks coffee, you deserve it!

In the digital age, it’s a valuable skill to overcome distractions. While using Kortext for your academic pursuits, implementing these strategies can make a significant difference in your focus and productivity. With practice, determination and the help of Kortext you can achieve your academic goals with greater efficiency

Happy studying!


This blog has been written by Laura, Kortext Student Ambassador at the University of Essex, and reviewed by our team.