We began our series with educational pioneer and former Vice Chancellor of University of Edinburgh, Sir Tim O’Shea, and following on from him was Dr David Kellermann; digital teaching and learning advocate and senior lecturer at UNSW.
Dr Kellermann was the keynote speaker at our Summer 21 Webinar which took place in early June.
Joining us all the way from Down Under, Dr Kellermann began his presentation by letting us know it was 11.30pm in Australia, which made what followed even more amazing.
Expressing his familiarity with the UK higher education system, Dr Kellermann said:
What I want to talk to everyone about is the model of collaborative learning in the modern workplace. It’s not just to do with giving students access to the content… we need to integrate it into the learning experience.
We’re having a meeting on Teams right now, why don’t we teach students in the environment where we work?
During his presentation, Dr Kellermann ran through his standard lecture procedure, and when we say standard, it’s incomparable to the experience that I had as a student in the UK.
Marketing Director, Robin Gibson said:
I’ve worked at ITN. What Dr Kellermann is doing right now is just a 6pm news bulletin, short of gongs!
If you can’t tell, we were infatuated and captivated by Dr Kellermann’s keynote presentation, and we hope you are too.
To get the full experience, watch below: