Introducing Kortext adopt

Streamline digital content sales and distribution with our ready-made solution that puts you in control, providing unmatched usage intelligence.

What publishers love about Kortext adopt

Flexible distribution options

You make the rules – your model, your pricing, your choice! Digital books can be provisioned on any model by you and your team in a self-service environment, with detailed reporting to keep you fully informed.

Worldwide sales possibilities

Any country, any language, any currency. Sell your content direct to anyone, anywhere in the world. With full support for integrated eCommerce and the ability to set up local eBook stores with payment in local currency.

Outstanding reader experience

Increase the likelihood of adoption by offering every user a personal bookshelf on our platform where your content is enriched by accessibility features, multi-language options, rich-text notetaking and collaboration tools.

Over 0open access materials
Accessed in over0countries
Content from0publishers & growing
Used by over0universities

Digital distribution

Share your content in an instant to anyone, anywhere in the world.


Peace of mind

Control usage, with full DRM capability to protect your content.

Data analytics

Detailed usage analytics for in-depth commissioning insights.

More sustainable

Swap costly print and distribution expenses for digital sampling.

Level playing field

Smaller publishers can compete head-to-head in the marketplace.

Real-time monitoring

Manage transactions in real time, for instant sales intelligence.

Sampling experience

Maximise user engagement with your content to increase adoption.

Features that redefine digital content distribution

These are some of the features in our innovative sales and distribution platform, designed to support publishing companies of all sizes.

Interested to find out more? Contact us to explore the full details.


Want to see Kortext adopt for yourself?

Gain publisher insights with Textbookweb today.

Success stories from companies just like yours

Don’t just take our word for it. Find out what leading publishers worldwide have to say about the benefits of collaborating with Kortext.

Discover how our sales and distribution platform saves publishers time and money, while providing unparalleled market intelligence.


Trusted by globally respected institutions

Find out what the fuss is about

Ready to find out more? Submit the form today and we’ll reach out to schedule a discovery call with a member of our partnership team.

We look forward to discussing how Kortext can take digital content sales and distribution at your company to the next level.

Interested in using any of our other platforms at your company? Discover everything Kortext has to offer on our platforms page.

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