The Kortext blog

Welcome to the Kortext blog, where you’ll discover insights, opinions and interviews from across the higher education sector.

Will digital solutions dominate as student numbers rise?

Will digital solutions dominate as student numbers rise?

Student numbers are rising. The latest UCAS end of cycle data has revealed a record level of interest in full-time undergraduate programmes, with 767,000 applicants and circa 560,000 acceptances, putting real weight in the UCAS prediction of one million applicants by...

Higher Education forecast for 2023

Higher Education forecast for 2023

With the door to 2022 shut firmly behind us, it’s time to step off the doorstep, out into the open that is 2023 and explore four things that we think will be on the horizon for higher education in 2023. Augar Report In February 2022 (we know, ages ago) the government...

2022 – a year in review. 

2022 – a year in review. 

Dear reader,  We're sure you’ll agree that 2022 has been quite the whirlwind of a year and has flown by at tremendous speed.   For us, 2022 has provided an excellent opportunity to gain more insight into the life of students, including their background, their...

How can libraries use social media? 

How can libraries use social media? 

The average amount of time spent on social media each day worldwide, according to the latest data, is set to hit 147 minutes, or two hours and 27 minutes in 2022. So… how can libraries and their teams leverage some of this time...

Kortext’s guide to academic reading

Kortext’s guide to academic reading

You’re possibly wondering why you’re here. You may have learnt to read back in primary school with a Biff and Chip classic but, now you’re in higher education, what you’re reading is an entirely different calibre to what you have been exposed to before.   What is...