The Kortext blog
Welcome to the Kortext blog, where you’ll discover insights, opinions and interviews from across the higher education sector.
Empowering librarians: harnessing the potential of AI tools
Empowering librarians: harnessing the potential of AI tools We spoke to Mike Jones from Solent University about the synergies between AI literacy and information literacy in higher education. Read on to find out how AI tools could empower librarians to position...
Change the game with Kortext this academic year!
Change the game with Kortext this academic year! In our second blog on inspection copies, we’ll explore how Kortext can help you get ahead when preparing for the new academic year. Read on to take a deeper dive into how our inspection copies make it simple to...
Kortext Annual Librarian Survey 2023 – the results!
Kortext Annual Librarian Survey 2023 – the results! We received a fantastic response to this year’s survey. 68 library staff took part, with roles including Director of Student and Library Services, Acquisitions and Reading List Coordinator, and Faculty...
Empowering academics – the benefits of inspection copies
Let’s take a closer look at inspection copies. If you teach a course in higher education, did you know that you can use this valuable resource? Read on to discover the many benefits of inspection copies and how Kortext can help you prepare for the new academic year....
Kortext Summer Webinar 2023 — our roundup
Kortext Summer Webinar 2023 — our roundup On 6th July, we held our summer webinar based on Journey to a Million. UCAS predicts that there could be up to a million higher education applicants in a single year by 2030, an increase of a third on today’s figures....
The changing university library – an interview with Clare West
Clare West (Head of Library Services and University Librarian at Bournemouth University) will be a panellist at Kortext’s summer webinar on 6 July. We spoke to Clare about UCAS’ Journey to a Million, the vital role of academic libraries and the importance of...
The future library – an interview with Lisa McLaren
Lisa McLaren (Deputy Director, SCONUL) will be a panellist at Kortext’s summer webinar on 6 July. We spoke to Lisa about the implications of UCAS’ Journey to a Million and the future of university libraries. One of the aims of the SCONUL Strategy 2023-26 is to support...
Student Academic Experience Survey 2023 explored
Discover key insights from the 2023 Student Academic Experience Survey by AdvanceHE.
Exploring key findings of student engagement
Exploring key findings of student engagement What does student engagement mean? A recent report from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) looks at how students view engagement after COVID-19. Read on to find out what’s changed. Project...