A strategic and research informed deployment to enhance student success at University of Leeds
Linking engagement analytics to strategic aims around progression and support.


  • In 2020, the University of Leeds implement the StREAM engagement analytics dashboard.

  • Following a successful pilot, StREAM was rolled out to over 36,500 students during the 2021/22 academic year to support the University’s learning analytics strategy.

  • The deployment of StREAM at the University of Leeds is tightly linked to their strategic aims and supports an ongoing shift towards the use of real-time learning analytics data to ensure timely interventions to support student success.

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Read in greater detail how the University of Leeds are using StREAM for student success.


Learning analytics is mission critical… we need learning analytics to mature so that it can help us both with the kinds of institutional questions we need to ask ourselves and also to provide resources to educators and students to support learning.

Jeff Grabill

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Student Education, University of Leeds

The challenge

  • The University of Leeds is in the process of proactively redefining its curriculum around the ‘hopes, dreams and needs’ of its students, both present and future
  • The University of Leeds wanted to align StREAM’s deployment with its strategic objectives, ensuring it supports both operational needs and curriculum changes.

  • The challenge was to shift focus from physical attendance to a broader understanding of engagement across digital platforms.

StREAM supports0University of Leeds students

I’ve had several students thank me for my concern. I have also had student give reasons/explanations for absences by both [the VLE] and email, some of which have been forwarded to our Student Support Officer for monitoring/wellbeing checks.

Staff survey feedback

University of Leeds

The University of Leeds’ approach

  • Leeds integrated StREAM into their digital ecosystem to monitor student engagement.

  • From an operational perspective, StREAM ingests multiple data-feeds that are used to help the Student Education Service (SES) team focus their attention on students who appear the most ‘at risk’ of not progressing or succeeding on their course.
  • The university adopted a research-informed approach, with a focus on ethical data use and transparency.

The impact

Holistic view of engagement

StREAM has helped the University of Leeds develop a more holistic view of student engagement, beyond just physical attendance, and understand which areas to support students in to help them progress throughout their time at University.

Improved student support

StREAM has transformed how the University of Leeds monitors and supports student engagement, allowing for timely interventions and data-informed decisions. StREAM helps the University of Leeds to detect students most at-risk and provide personalised, proactive support. 

Prioritising student success

The university’s strategic and ethical deployment of StREAM is driving significant, lasting change in student engagement and success. Successfully embedding StREAM into student education policy has enhanced support for students and enabled more informed academic decisions. 

Empowering students 

With students being able to see their own learning journey and engagement with resources, University of Leeds students are empowered to engage and participate with their own academic journey. Staff are also able to use data to better support students and help them grow.

Want to see StREAM in action?