StREAM for higher education

StREAM is the leading student engagement analytics platform, providing educators with cutting-edge engagement insight and the tools to deliver proactive and personalised support to the students who need it most, helping them to achieve their full potential at university.

Actionable insights that can transform student outcomes at your university

StREAM offers a complete picture of student engagement, so you can effortlessly identify at-risk students and provide early interventions and targeted support.

Student engagement
Student retention
Progression & attainment
Student wellbeing
International support

Seamlessly understand student engagement

Gain a panoramic view of each student’s academic engagement with StREAM, the only learning analytics platform to codify student engagement based on educationally purposeful activity, rather than an attendance-only model.

Our integrated platform empowers you with the right insights to understand your learners, identify students in need and proactively provide the right support, so every student can reach their full potential.

Identify at-risk students in real-time

With precision, StREAM’s predictive algorithm is proven to positively impact an institution’s retention rate and financial stability by seamlessly identifying low engagers and enabling timely interventions and support so that students are less likely to leave their studies.

Over the past 4 years, the University of Essex has seen a 54% reduction in withdrawal rates for low-engaging students using insights from StREAM (University of Essex, 2022). Streamline your retention efforts and foster a supportive learning environment where every student can thrive.

An unbiased view to support all students

The latest research from Keele University highlights that StREAM data shows that students with higher levels of engagement in their studies achieve better outcomes and that there is a strong correlation between student engagement and success.

Get upstream of a crisis

Create a campus where every student feels seen, heard, and supported.

Early-intervention plays a pivotal role in supporting student mental health and wellbeing. With over 730k interventions since its launch, StREAM is designed to identify at-risk students in real-time, empowering educators with individual insights for each student, so you can provide personalised support when it’s needed most.

Nurture your international community

International students enrich academic environments and contribute to a thriving culturally diverse campus and are more supportive of using learning analytics.

StREAM supports custom UKVI filters and uses robust tools and insights to simplify monitoring and reporting on international student engagement, helping keep you effortlessly on the right side of compliance.

What people love about StREAM

Unique algorithm

StREAM measures academically purposeful activity rather than demographics to focus on actionable data that can inspire change.

Intuitive dashboards

Student and staff facing dashboards make engagement easy to understand and empower students throughout their own learning journey.

Single view of engagement

See student engagement in context to provide data-informed support, coaching and advice.

Actionable data

Automated notifications alert to changes in engagement helping you to get up stream of crisis.

Our tutor dashboards are packed with features to support personal academic tutoring

  • Daily engagement scores for your whole student cohort

  • Automated alerts when changes are identified in engagement behaviour

  • Record your interactions and make referrals to support services

  • Custom filters are also available, including UKVI

Automated alerts

These notifications help students and tutors know when there have been changes in engagement and help get students back on track.



Record your interactions with students to see how they impact their engagement and understand the support they've had.


Student engagement

See student engagement data at individual, module, course and cohort level.



See which resources students are using and how many times they access them to help them better engage with their academic study.


Engagement at a glance

See how well engaged student is at a glance with headline data for each individual student.


Deeper insights

From resources to interactions, explore each tab to gain deeper insights and more context information for each student to provide personalised support.


Learning journey map

Both students and tutors can see a learning journey map of each individual students' engagement over time.


Data is easy to understand

Use the learning journey map to easily understand how a student is performing compared to the cohort average, top 25% of students and where interventions have taken place.


You can also empower learners with their own engagement with our student dashboards

  • Students can see their own learning journey and be alerted to changes in their behaviour
  • Data can drive meaningful conversations with students around how they can engage in their learning and if they need any support

How StREAM works

Created with Fabric.js 3.6.6

Supporting you every step of the way

We understand that a change project can seem daunting, but with our consultative approach we will work with you to establish what engagement means for your institution and how we can best support your strategic goals.

View our journey or discover how we partner with you to make getting started with StREAM a seamless experience.



Book a demo

Chat with our product experts to see StREAM in action.

Build a business case

Our consultative approach can help you develop a strong business case for StREAM.

Become a partner

We'll collaborate with you to unlock success with StREAM.

Implement StREAM

Our project managers will guide you through the whole implementation process.

Easy integrations

Our team of data experts are ITIL qualified to ensure a high quality service.

Account management

We'll continue to work with you once you are live to ensure you are getting the most out of StREAM.

Professional services

Support is always available and our experts will ensure your StREAM rollout is as impactful as possible.

User community

You'll join our growing user community, offering plenty of opportunities to grow your success with StREAM.

Want to see StREAM in action?

Discover how we collaborate with you.

Success stories from universities like yours

Explore how many in the sector are already using StREAM to gain deeper insight into student engagement and improve student support, success and retention.

Latest in student engagement analytics

Browse the StREAM blog, where you’ll discover insights, opinions and interviews from across the higher education sector.

Data security and transparency

We’re proud to be ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certified.

Our shared approach to ensure data is used in the most meaningful way and put in the hands of those who need it most.

Discover how student engagement analytics can support your institutional goals

StREAM has been helping universities like yours improve student outcomes for over a decade.

Whether you’re looking for engagement insights across your university, to scale up your approach to personal tutoring and pastoral support or to improve student retention, StREAM is here to help.


Fill in the form to book a call with our team >
