Transforming student outcomes

Our collaboration with higher education institutions has led to remarkable outcomes and have helped develop StREAM. These case studies highlight the tangible impact of our partnerships, demonstrating how StREAM empowers institutions to deliver personalised education and drive student success.
Transforming student outcomes
Discover how the team of Student Journey Advisors (SJAs) are using StREAM to further student engagement as part of their new service focusing on student support and retention.
Explore how StREAM helped support student retention and develop a new model for academic and pastoral support to better support students to achieve their educational outcomes.
Taking real-time action to support student continuation and progression
Supporting students with very low engagement at week six of the Autumn term to reach their full potential.
Starting with the end in mind
Driving strategic transformation agendas around student support
Linking engagement analytics to strategic aims around progression and support.
Accurately identifying early indicators of students at-risk of withdrawing from their course
Delivering proactive outreach and adapting to hybrid learning styles
Teesside University has been on a major digital transformation journey in recent years, assessing how they utilise cutting-edge technical solutions like StREAM to improve the student experience.
StREAM has been helping universities like yours improve student outcomes for over a decade.
Whether you’re looking for engagement insights across your university, to scale up your approach to personal tutoring and pastoral support or to improve student retention, StREAM is here to help.