How a data-driven approach using StREAM engagement analytics maximised student success at Keele University
Transforming student outcomes



  • Keele University uses StREAM engagement analytics to enhance student success
  • They are leveraging real-time data for tailored support to individual students.
  • Through using StREAM they are able to address cohort-level challenges promptly.
  • This approach has improves retention rates and overall student wellbeing.

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Read in greater detail how Keele University are using StREAM for student success.

Financial savings0positive difference

The challenge


  • Higher education institutions struggle to identify and support at-risk students in real time.
  • Traditional monitoring methods often fail to provide timely insights.
  • This leads to higher rates of student non-continuation and withdrawal.
    The lasting effect is detrimental to institutions.
Estimated0more students retained
Improved retention to6.8in just 1 year

Keele University’s approach


  • Keele University uses StREAM engagement analytics for tailored, real-time student support in their foundation year.
  • They use insights from StREAM to address both individual student needs
    and broader cohort-level challenges promptly.
  • They aim to foster a supportive environment conducive to providing outstanding academic and pastoral support.

The impact

Student retention

Keele University saw a significant reduction in non-continuation rates: from 6.8% in the first semester of 2022/23 to 3.4% in the same period of 2023/24 – saving an estimated 30 students in the first year alone.

Financial sustainability

Using StREAM has resulted in substantial financial savings, with Keele University seeing a £100K positive difference. These savings allow for reinvestment in student support services. This is expected to grow over time.

Evaluating interventions

Keele University have developed robust methods for evaluating interventions that feedback into the data models of StREAM, making it increasingly effective over time, and enabling it to deliver greater value to the institution.

Empowered students

Through using StREAM, students and staff have been empowered across their learning journey. Students have a better understanding of their own engagement with their academic studies.

Want to see StREAM in action?