An institutional approach to enhancing student support at Teesside University
Teesside University has been on a major digital transformation journey in recent years, assessing how they utilise cutting-edge technical solutions like StREAM to improve the student experience.


  • Universities like Teesside University faced challenges supporting students during the shift to online learning during the pandemic.

  • Engagement analytics helped identify and support students at risk of disengagement.

  • The StREAM platform was used to enhance student support during the pandemic.

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Read in greater detail how Teesside University are using StREAM for student support.


We realized that we needed a consistent approach to how we manage and record all our data in order to understand the complexity of the picture at Teesside and learning analytics was identified as our solution.

Jonathan Eaton

Academic Registrar, Teesside University

The challenge

  • Remote learning increased the risk of student disengagement and mental health issues.

  • Identifying students in need of support was difficult without face-to-face interactions.

  • Teesside University needed to adapt their support systems to the new digital environment.

We’ve connected all of our student support functions through the referral function in StREAM, making our processes far more streamlined than they ever were previously.

A key factor in the positive response we’ve had to StREAM is the introduction of our Learning Analytics Code of Practice. Students like the transparency and that we are clear about how their data will be used.

Jonathan Eaton

Academic Registrar, Teesside University

We are now, more than ever, relying on understanding how our students are engaging remotely and being able to put timely support in place for those who are beginning to struggle. It would have been impossible for us to do this as effectively without StREAM and their flexible and supportive team, it really has come into its own during the pandemic.

Jonathan Eaton

Academic Registrar, Teesside University

Teesside University’s approach

  • Teesside University adopted an institutional approach to student support and used engagement data to track student participation.

  • Proactive outreach through calls and emails was prioritised based on engagement levels.

  • Real-time data allowed for timely interventions and support.

The impact


Supported students

Thousands of students were contacted and supported during key academic periods. Engagement data informed targeted interventions, preventing students from “falling through the cracks.” 


Student satisfaction

Student were more satisfaction with the support provided, especially during a turbulent time and as such Teesside University improved student retention and wellbeing through data-driven support. 


Scalable solution

StREAM provided a scalable approach that can be adapted for future challenges in hybrid learning environments. They also saw increased staff awareness and responsiveness to student needs. 

Want to see StREAM in action?