StREAM delivers a personalised experience and impacts future continuation at University of Bedfordshire
Taking real-time action to support student continuation and progression


  • University of Bedfordshire’s Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (HSS) implemented StREAM to support student continuation and progression across the university.

  • Support to embed StREAM was funded by Health Education England to enhance student retention, initially targeting student nurses.

  • The University of Bedfordshire have embedded student engagement data in their approach to personal tutoring with the primary focus identifying students at-risk.

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The data you see today in StREAM is next year’s continuation data.

Dr Caroline Reid

Associate Dean in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of Bedfordshire

The challenge

  • Aligning StREAM’s deployment with university-wide goals and support systems – including policies and Access and Participation Plans.

  • Retaining students – specifically students on nursing programmes.
  • Encouraging consistent staff engagement with the platform.

  • Addressing diverse student needs while meeting institutional objectives.

The primary focus for StREAM for Personal Academic Tutors is on identifying students at risk so we can easily pin point who is in danger of not continuing with their studies.

Dr Caroline Reid

Associate Dean in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of Bedfordshire

In 20230interventions with students were logged in StREAM

The University of Bedfordshire’s approach

  • StREAM was integrated to aid Personal Academic Tutors (PATs) in identifying at-risk students.

  • The University emphasized a bottom-up deployment for relevant student data access.

  • Extensive staff training ensured effective use of the platform.

  • Evaluating interventions to see which areas of support were most in demand.

The impact

Early identification

StREAM has supported the University of Bedfordshire to identify at-risk students much earlier to improve success and retention within the faculty. 

Timely interventions

StREAM also helped personal academic tutors to reach out to and create support interventions with struggling students, which helped increase staff engagement in student success initiatives.

Success and strategy

StREAM has become a core element of the university’s student support strategy and has been aligned with policy requirements to enhance institutional effectiveness. 

Full roll-out

StREAM was subsequently rolled out across the whole university in the 2023-2024 academic year, and is being integrated into university processes and decision-making. 

Want to see StREAM in action?