Joining the dots around student support at the University of Law
Discover how the team of Student Journey Advisors (SJAs) are using StREAM to further student engagement as part of their new service focusing on student support and retention.


  • The University of Law is a leading UK provider of legal and professional education with diverse courses and international reach.

  • They use the StREAM student engagement platform to enhance learning, retention and support.

  • By analysing engagement data, the University of Law are able to drive decision-making and improvements with current insights.

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Read in greater detail how the University of Law are using StREAM for student retention and support.

Student journey advisors engaged with over0students in the past year

The challenge

  • Maintaining consistent and effective student support across a diverse and decentralized structure.

  • Managing staggered student intakes and varied delivery patterns which adds complexity to monitoring engagement.

  • Proactively addressing student issues is challenging due to the university’s varied structure.

It’s not just about how they’re getting on academically or […] pastorally. There has to be a merging of the two and I think that’s what is critical to us at ULaw and why StREAM plays a key role.

Billy Reed

Head of Student Journey, University of Law

Over 0of the student body supported with StREAM

 The University of Law’s approach

  • The University of Law have developed a holistic support system combining Student Journey Advisors, Academic Coaches, and student involvement.

  • Student Journey Advisors manage up to 500 students each, tracking engagement and maintaining communication records.

  • This ensures the University of Law provides cohesive support across multiple campuses using the StREAM platform.

The impact

Early identification

Proactive use of StREAM has supported the University of Law with identifying disengaged students earlier, and the data has provided greater context to support tailored interventions. Students needs are promptly addressed with Student Journey Advisors, helping keep them on track.

Proactive support

The University of Law’s approach helps to prevent potential academic issues before they escalate, and gets tailored support to students who are struggling. The Student Journey Advisors have engaged with over 6,000 students in the past year alone.

Improved outcomes

By identifying at-risk students and enacting earlier interventions, students are more likely to feel supported and engage with their studies, leading to greater student outcomes and success. The University of Law is continuing to refine strategies on further improving student outcomes.

Evaluating interventions

The University of Law is focusing on evaluating intervention effectiveness over time with the help of StREAM and is working more on understanding the root causes of disengagement to continually support student retention and success. 

Want to see StREAM in action?