Introducing Kortext store

Explore our collection of 500,000+ digital textbooks and transform your device into a personal library, enabling you to study anytime, anywhere.

What people love about Kortext store


A vast library of eTextbooks, just a click away. Access over 500,000 popular books in a wide range of subjects, enriched with accessibility features and personalisation options. What’s more, our student discount will help you stay on budget!


Learning on the go? With the Kortext app you can study anytime, anywhere. Access eTextbooks on Apple, Android and Windows devices. You can even learn offline, once your books are downloaded, and sync any study activity when you reconnect.


Our content marketplace enables institutions to create a bespoke eBookstore for students who wish to purchase digital content. We can import online reading lists too, making it even easier for your students to find their essential eTextbooks.

Over 0open access materials
Accessed in over0countries
Content from0publishers & growing
Used by over0universities

On demand

Access all the textbooks you need, at the time you need them.


Your own personal library, with all your eTextbooks in one place.


Our app is available on Apple, Android and Windows devices.


We’re committed to providing the best experience for everyone.


Search, highlight, bookmark, and more, with our smart study tools.


All our books are digital – no need to cut down trees for paper!


Sign up in our store to save 25% on all your eTextbooks!

Features that redefine digital learning experiences

These are just some of the benefits of our vast eBookstore. Take your learning to the next level, with over 500,000 popular books to choose from.

Interested to find out more? Start exploring the Kortext store today.


Visit the Kortext store yourself now.

Interest in other platforms? Book a discovery call now.

Success stories from learners just like you

Don’t just take our word for it. Find out what students worldwide have to say about using Kortext.

Discover how our cutting-edge digital teaching and learning platforms are helping learners around the globe to study more effectively.

Trusted by globally respected universities

Find out what the fuss is about

Ready to find out more? Submit the form today and we’ll reach out to schedule a discovery call with a member of our partnership team.

We look forward to discussing how Kortext can take teaching and learning at your institution to the next level.

Interested in using any of our other platforms at your institution? Discover everything Kortext has to offer on our platforms page.

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