Introducing Kortext teach

Discover our all-in-one digital solution designed to help busy academics create more personalised and engaging learning experiences for every student.

What people love about Kortext teach

Adopt & curate content

Easily select and adopt titles from our vast content library, containing more than five million eBooks and digital resources from 8,000 publishers. Create richer learning experiences with smart content recommendations from our AI assistant.


Plan & deliver teaching

Design adaptive, personalised learning experiences on curated content with our easy-to-use tools that integrate seamlessly within your modules on the VLE. Inspire deeper learning and increase student engagement, all while saving time.

Assess & evaluate

Mark and grade assignments accurately with our smart assessment tools. Gain detailed insights into learner behaviour to improve engagement and outcomes, enabling you to offer timely support tailored to each student’s needs.

Over 0open access materials
Accessed in over0countries
Content from0publishers & growing
Used by over0universities


Works seamlessly with your VLE for an integrated learning environment.


A single, go-to solution for setting up a course with Kortext tools.


Select and adopt titles from our vast library of digital content.


Define learning outcomes with suggestions from our AI assistant.


Add supplementary materials easily for richer learning experiences.


Provide each student with a personalised learning journey.


In-depth insights on student engagement for tailored support.

Features that redefine digital teaching and learning

These are just some of the innovative features in our complete digital solution for busy academics.

Interested to find out more? Contact us to explore the full range.

Want to see Kortext teach for yourself?

See how Kortext supports academics here.

Success stories from institutions just like yours

Don’t just take our word for it. Find out what our partner institutions worldwide have to say about the benefits of collaborating with Kortext.

Discover how our innovative digital teaching and learning solutions are supporting academics around the globe.

Trusted by globally respected universities

Find out what the fuss is about

Ready to find out more? Submit the form today and we’ll reach out to schedule a discovery call with a member of our partnership team.

We look forward to discussing how Kortext can transform digital teaching and learning at your institution.

Interested in using any of our other platforms at your institution? Discover everything Kortext has to offer on our platforms page.

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