10 ways StREAM supports student retention
Enabling student attainment and success is the raison d’être for any higher education institution. Using student engagement as a powerful proxy for continuation, StREAM enables students to reach their full potential by identifying risks to non-continuation and facilitating the provision of appropriate and timely support.
November 08, 2023



Here are 10 ways in which StREAM helps your retention initiatives: 


1. Understand what engagement looks like for each individual student

Learning behaviours are complex and largely unique to the individual. StREAM visualises those engagement behaviours, providing actionable insights to students and educators that can be leveraged to maximise the potential for academic success.


2. Easy identification of students at risk of not continuing

StREAM enables easy and early identification of disengaging students who are a possible withdrawal risk and may therefore benefit from an early intervention.


3. Activate targeted early interventions

Real-time, holistic insight as to which students need support and when enables staff to focus more time on meeting with those students and less on correlating data from multiple systems.


4. Student-facing dashboard that supports individual agency and encourages personal responsibility for academic success

As adult learners, students are ultimately responsible for their own academic success. Individual and cohort comparison insights within StREAM track student progress, inform future engagement behaviours and help students achieve a healthy study-work-life balance.


5. Simple signposting to support within your university using nudge theory

Where expert advice is required, the in-built signposting functionality in StREAM can be configured to your institutional requirements, making it simple for students to easily access the right information at a time and place to suit.


6. Enable targeted, proactive outreach from the university

Where direct outreach to students is most appropriate, the Interactions functionality in StREAM supports email referrals enabling university teams to reach out to students and help prevent an issue becoming a crisis.


7. A student-centred intervention record keeps everyone informed about support activities

StREAM’s approach to managing student interactions keeps all relevant staff – and the student – informed about activities designed to support their academic success and wellbeing by providing a holistic picture of student engagement and any associated support activity.


8. An interventions life cycle that brings meaningful accountability. Successful student outcomes require more than referring or signposting a student to support

The interventions life cycle in StREAM ensures that agreed actions are carried through to completion, using an in-built reminder feature that helps educators keep track of their responsibilities for individual students and to initiate follow-up activity after an agreed timeframe.


9. Identify cohort engagement trends and understand resource demands and pinch-points

Cohort comparison analysis within StREAM enables educators to understand engagement behaviours at cohort level, supporting reporting against key institutional metrics and informing curriculum design, development and delivery. Insight reporting enables identification of demands on limited resources, enabling more nuanced resource deployment and informing proactive outreach campaigns.


10. Align StREAM to academic and pastoral policy and process requirements that support success

Our highly configurable platform enables StREAM usage to complement and strengthen your student support processes. Alternatively, StREAM may act as a disrupter, initiating more streamlined and innovative approaches to student support.

Discover how StREAM can unlock insights around student engagement and support your retention strategies, with a StREAM Discovery Call.