8 ways StREAM supports personal tutoring
Whether your students are fresh out of school of college, or returning to study later in life, the university years can be complex to navigate. Having a named academic colleague who is there to look out for them, to support them as they settle into University life and coach them through their studies, into graduate employment or post- graduate study can make all the difference.
November 08, 2023



.Here’s 8 ways that StREAM supports pastoral tutoring:


1. StREAM provides a holistic picture of students’ digital engagement across multiple academic systems

StREAM collates data relevant to academic engagement, applies our unique proprietary engagement algorithm, tailored to your institutional data and presents this back in simple engagement categories so that you can identify students most at risk of disengaging from their studies – freeing up time to focus on meeting with your students.


2. Visualise individual student engagement to identify when to offer help 

Engagement behaviours normally fluctuate across the course of a week and over the course of the annual academic cycle. Understanding what is ‘normal’ for each student makes it easier to identify changes to the norm and to initiate targeted outreach activity to provide advice, guidance, motivation and even to get upstream of a crisis.


3. Ensure no wrong door to student support

Access to student information in StREAM is role-based. You can ensure that there is no wrong door to student support, meaning that whichever member of the academic team is having a conversation with a student, relevant insights and information can be viewed by colleagues on a ‘need to know’ basis.


4. Keep a closer eye on students whose engagement behaviours suggest additional support might be required 

Staff can easily self-select and group students in StREAM. So, whether you want to know which students haven’t yet completed their occupational health forms prior to going on placement, or keep track of particular cohorts, if the data is available in StREAM, our filters and groups functionality can enable you to easily focus in on how your students are getting on.


5. Simple signposting and referrals to specialist services

When it comes to signposting or referring your tutees to specialist support teams, StREAM does all the hard work for you. Once you and your tutee have identified what type of help is required, simply click the relevant link or type of help required and StREAM can signpost a student to additional information about a support team or service. Where more proactive outreach from the university service is required, you can also email specialist teams directly.


6. Positive notifications and encouragement to enhance student success

StREAM isn’t just about supporting student retention. The flexible way in which the data in StREAM is presented means that StREAM can be used to identify engagement. Our notifications can be configured to nudge student behaviour to achieve individual goals and encourage students to aim higher – and succeed!


7. Focus attention on ‘what works’ 

Triangulating the different data sources in StREAM provides a more holistic picture of the interplay between engagement and success, particularly where attendance and assessment information is available.

Reviewing the outcomes of intervention activity can help determine ‘what works.’ Comparisons with cohort behaviours can provide a data-informed route to deeper conversations at the individual level, helping students to own their learning and proactively focus their time and energy on academic behaviours that work for them.


8. Align your use of StREAM to institutional policies on student support

Whether you have a dedicated team or have situated pastoral support responsibilities with academic personal tutors, the flexible nature of StREAM means that it can both inform and address institutional strategy and policy requirements. Alternately, StREAM can act as a disrupter, meaning you can refresh and revise your approach to personal tutoring.


Find out how StREAM can help you understand engagement at your institution and enhance pastoral support, by booking a demo