How early engagement can give a glimpse of students’ academic future
Helen Higson, professor of higher education learning management at Aston University Business school recently produced research on the subject of early student engagement at Aston University.
September 23, 2022

About the report


Aston University: How early engagement can give a glimpse of students’ academic future

Helen Higson, professor of higher education learning and management Aston Business School

July 2022




Data gathering and research are the key to forming good practice and policy. Some universities have been using a mixture of research and data analysis to uncover ways in which they can make themselves more accessible for all – investing time into understanding how they can be inclusive in their outreach and provide opportunities for a wider group of students.

Aston Universities MyEngagement platform – based on the StREAM digital engagement data platform by Kortext – helps staff gather accurate insight into student engagement behaviour, providing understanding of how they are moving through our institution and most importantly, what is influencing their progress and future success late.

‘Our research into engagement within the first three weeks has found that measuring student study activity, through the likes of learning analytics, is a good predictor of future behaviour in students.’

In other words, Aston University get a glimpse into a student’s academic future through some of their very first engagement behaviours with their studies, rather than through their demographics.


 Read the full report >