5 things to consider when looking at student engagement
Engagement data can be critical for ensuring student success, but when you're looking at student engagement data - what are the things you need to consider and look out for?
August 17, 2023

Dr Rachel Maxwell


Research shows that the more a student engages with their learning, the more likely they are to reach their potential or go above and beyond, making engagement data critical to ensuring student success. Here are some tips to consider when looking at engagement data in your institution based on our experience of working with universities over the last ten years.


Here’s 5 things to consider when looking at student engagement:


  • Engagement patterns are individual

Every learning journey is unique and it is important to remember the individual when looking at engagement analytics, especially in a blended learning environment. Some students prefer to attend physical lectures whilst others watch recordings. In both examples the student is engaged but accessing their learning in different ways.

  • Engagement is a proxy for progression

How students engage can give you an indicator as to which students are at risk of withdrawing. Having a simple, easy to interpret dashboard makes it easy to spot outliers and identify the students most in need of support, allowing you to get upstream of issues before it is too late to address them.

  • There is a natural ebb and flow to engagement

Over the course of each week, semester and academic year you will see a natural rise and fall in the way students engage. Comparing how an individual student is engaging to the rest of their cohort can show whether it is an unexpected fluctuation. Reviewing engagement data in the light of the academic calendar can identify when additional support should be offered e.g. before a period of exams.

  • Resource usage gives an insight into engagement

Students interact daily with multiple digital resources. Understanding how they use these digital services provides an insight into the academically purposeful activity that is taking place so you can make the most of the information to ensure students are getting the support they need to succeed.

  • Engagement data is the start of a conversation

Data gives you the information to understand how students are engaging with their learning, however it is never the whole story. What it provides is the insight needed to facilitate informed and meaningful conversations between students and their advisors, enabling development of bespoke support seeking to maximise academic success.


Find out how StREAM can visualise engagement patterns at your institution by booking a demo today.